Monday, May 11, 2009

For my children

Will my children? my hope for them to have a conservative life.

Here is a little essay that was going through my mind.Will my children;Will my children be honest and hard working?Will my children try to make their life better or will they be complacent?Will my children see people for who they are (good or bad) or will they unfortunately fall into the norm of bias?Will my children stand up for what is right, freedom, the weak and our constitution?Will my children stand tall and speak well?Will my children say I can instead of why do I have to?Will my children have the sense to stay away from bad habits, drugs and crime?Will my children earn the respect of their peers, supervisors, subordinates, friends and acquaintances?Will my children give more of themselves than they ask from others?Will my children be able to look in the mirror and answer these questions?I do daily.

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